Hey! Have you seen Mingle?

Mingle has no true physical form, but there are a lucky few who claim to have received a vision of our mysterious leader...

(Learn more about Mingle here)

It's been said that one sees Mingle not with the eyes, but with the heart. That means Mingle looks a little bit different to everyone. We Minglers show our appreciation of Mingle and all the treasures they bring to us by creating heartfelt artworks in their image. 

If you've been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Mingle and would like to become a Mingler, make a drawing, painting, sculpture, digital artwork, collage, costume, animation, short film, or any other kind of visual art featuring Mingle in your unique style, send it to us, and you'll receive a special thank-you prize + a shout-out on social media!


mingle by max wittert


Here's how to participate: Send a digital copy or photo of your artwork, plus your name and social media links to to receive your gift and a shout-out on social media.

Don't have a scanner?
Want to send us a three-dimensional piece?
Need more info on Mingle and their appearance? [we love attention to detail!]
No problem! Email us at and we'll help you out.

Can’t wait to see your beautiful creations!

Love you :o)


mingle by hayden davis